Fascist Police State Britain Encapsulated In One Video – Corporate Police Eviction for owing £6,000 in business rates

‘A shocking eviction by Corporate Police of a man from his home for the princely sum of £6,000 owed in business rates.

After falling behind with his business rates to Manchester City Council, due to the illness of one of his children, Ken has found himself evicted from his home to be sold for profit by the Corporations. This is NOT austerity … IT IS ROBBERY!

The State no longer pretends that Common Law governs this land. State Fascism is now there for all to see as the Police forget their sworn oaths and do the bidding of Corporations and their political corporate-controlled masters.

This was not Bailiffs evicting Ken … it was THE POLICE!!!

It’ s time to wake up people … We’re sleepwalking into TYRANNY.’

Flying Columns and the Golden Pinocchio Awards

See here …

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