Global warming: Scientists say temperatures could rise by 6C by 2100 and call for action ahead of UN meeting in Paris

One in ten chance, eh? So that means there's a 90% chance that it won't – even according to their own made-up baloney.

‘There is a one-in-ten chance of the world being 6C warmer than it is today by 2100 which would lead to cataclysmic changes in the global climate with unimaginable consequences for human civilisation, leading climate researchers have warned in an “Earth Statement”.

The risk of hitting the highest upper estimate for global warming based on current levels of carbon dioxide emissions is now so high that it is equivalent to tolerating the risk of 10,000 fatal aircraft crashes a day, according to the 17 “Earth League” scientists and economists who have signed the joint statement.

The experts have drawn up a three-page summary of the action needed to be agreed on at the UN meeting in Paris this December, which is widely seen as the last chance for the world’s political leaders to agree on a binding treaty to prevent the global climate from slipping into a dangerously precarious state.’

Read more: Global warming: Scientists say temperatures could rise by 6C by 2100 and call for action ahead of UN meeting in Paris

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