Grant Shapps accused of editing his Conservative rivals’ Wikipedia pages and deleting references to his embarrassing past

‘Tory party chairman Grant Shapps has been accused of editing the Wikipedia pages of his Conservative rivals and allegedly changing his own page to delete embarrassing references to his past.

A user claiming to be a Wikipedia administrator reported and suspended an account on suspicion it was being used by Mr Shapps or “someone acting on his behalf”.

A user called “Contribsx” has regularly deleted references to Mr Shapps’ former business pseudonym Michael Green, which he used to pose as a multimillion-dollar web marketer. Last month he was forced to admit he had “screwed up” over his denial that he held a second job posing as Mr Green while also an MP in 2006.’

Read more: Grant Shapps accused of editing his Conservative rivals' Wikipedia pages and deleting references to his embarrassing past

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