Homeschooling family persecuted by Canadian medical system escaped to freedom in Germany

‘When the Herrmann family decided to leave Germany eight years ago to come to Canada where homeschooling is more widely accepted, they thought they were making the smart choice for their children’s health and education. But the nightmare that would ensue for their precious son Marc, an identical twin born prematurely with serious health problems that almost killed him, eventually drove the family back to their native land in desperate pursuit of medical freedom.

Marc, or Marcky as he is affectionately known by his family and friends, became yet another victim of the corrupt child services system after doctors misdiagnosed his condition and put him on drug treatments that made him worse-off.

Born prematurely along with his twin brother, Marcky suffered from extremely low lung capacity and eating abnormalities that the experts claimed offered him little chance of survival but that he miraculously overcame by being placed in the same incubator as his brother shortly after birth.’

Read more: Homeschooling family persecuted by Canadian medical system escaped to freedom in Germany

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