How the Media and Government Terrorize Americans About ISIS – and Why We Shouldn’t Be Scared

‘On April 2, U.S. prosecutors and the Federal Bureau of Investigation made a startling announcement: two women, inspired by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), wanted to blow up Americans.

The headlines about the plot would make anybody scared. What many media outlets don’t emphasize, though, is that this plot was encouraged by an undercover FBI informant–and that Americans were never in danger. The informant was put on the alleged plotters’ path after one of them sent a letter to a prisoner himself convicted for a plot that involved an FBI informant.

The letter proclaimed her support for the Oregon man–not exactly a move a hardened terrorist would make. The undercover FBI informant bought the women, Noelle Velentzas and Asia Siddiqui, prepaid phones they could use without attracting law enforcement attention, and downloaded “The Anarchist Cookbook” for them.’

Read more: How the Media and Government Terrorize Americans About ISIS – and Why We Shouldn't Be Scared

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