How Violent Extremists Hijacked London-Based ‘Counter-Extremism’ Think Tank

‘Corporate records reveal that the Quilliam Foundation, an influential independent London-based “counter-extremism” think-tank, has received nearly a million dollars from a US political network with close links to the neoconservative wing of the Republican Party since 2011. The network, which includes former Bush administration officials behind the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, overlaps with far-right anti-Muslim leaders who inspired Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik.

Quilliam was founded in 2008 by former members of the Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir, receiving 2.7 million pounds of British government funding until 2011. The think-tank has been a major player in developing the government’s counter-terror strategies, especially the focus on “non-violent extremism.” Its ideas are increasingly migrating to the US, through the provision of counter-terrorism training for US government security officials, and most recently via the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism.’

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