I’m Sick of It

I get a lot of e-mail. Some of it not so nice. I received the following e-mail a few weeks ago with the subject line “I’m Sick Of It”:

Your misplaced hatred of the military is disgusting. I think we can agree that the mission of the U.S. military has been misused and abused all too often by just about every POTUS, and THAT is where your hostility should voice itself. Not on the individuals, who are UNDER CONTRACT, and are REQUIRED BY LAW  to go wherever they’re sent.

You are obviously an otherwise intelligent and educated man. So GROW UP AND BLAME THOSE WHO ARE TRULY RESPONSIBLE. I’ve been a dedicated libertarian for nearly four decades, but I’m getting close to stop using LRC as one of my main sources of information.

Well, you know what, I’m sick of it too. Here are 99 things I am sick of that relate to the military.

  1. I’m sick of churches having special military appreciation services.
  2. I’m sick of Americans thanking veterans and current military personnel for their service.
  3. I’m sick of banners in airports welcoming home U.S. troops.
  4. I’m sick of how Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Veterans Day have been turned into military appreciation days.
  5. I’m sick of military jets flying over sporting events.
  6. I’m sick of the month of May being designated Military Appreciation Month.
  7. I’m sick of the month of November being designed Military Family Month.
  8. I’m sick of musical “all-star salutes” to the troops.
  9. I’m sick of “salute to the military” celebrations.
  10. I’m sick of Armed Forces Day.
  11. I’m sick of military color guards walking down the main aisle at the beginning of church services on the Sunday of or the Sunday before national holidays.
  12. I’m sick of church signs with statements about U.S. troops dying for our freedoms like Christ died for our sins.
  13. I’m sick of Christian schools having Veterans Day programs.
  14. I’m sick of Army Day.
  15. I’m sick of public schools having Veterans Day programs.
  16. I’m sick of Christians holding to sniper theology.
  17. I’m sick of churches recognizing young people who announce their intentions to join the military.
  18. I’m sick of churches applauding young people who announce their intentions to join the military.
  19. I’m sick of military recruiting posters hanging on the walls in Christian schools.
  20. I’m sick of churches having veterans wear their uniforms to church on Veterans Day.
  21. I’m sick of Navy Day.
  22. I’m sick of the military fighting senseless and unnecessary wars.
  23. I’m sick of special prayers for the troops in churches, but no prayers for their victims.
  24. I’m sick of churches recognizing veterans and active duty military personnel on the Sunday of or the Sunday before national holidays.
  25. I’m sick of churches having veterans and active duty military personnel stand to be recognized during church services.
  26. I’m sick of churches applauding veterans and active duty military personnel during church services.
  27. I’m sick of Air Force Day.
  28. I’m sick of churches sending more soldiers to the Middle East than missionaries.
  29. I’m sick of church pianists playing the song of each branch of the military during the offering on the Sunday of or the Sunday before national holidays.
  30. I’m sick of Chris Kyle being called an American hero.
  31. I’m sick of churches playing video tributes to the troops
  32. I’m sick of Coast Guard Day.
  33. I’m sick of Christian schools allowing military recruiters into their classrooms.
  34. I’m sick of Christians going to see the filthy “American Sniper” movie.
  35. I’m sick of the military invading other countries.
  36. I’m sick of the military occupying other countries.
  37. I’m sick of the military carrying out an aggressive and reckless U.S. foreign policy.
  38. I’m sick of just war theory being used to justify war.
  39. I’m sick of church bulletins listing all of the veterans in the church on Veterans Day.
  40. I’m sick of church signs saying “Pray for Our Troops.”
  41. I’m sick of Marine Corps Day.
  42. I’m sick of churches supplying cannon fodder to the military.
  43. I’m sick of U.S. soldiers dying in vain.
  44. I’m sick of U.S. soldiers dying for a lie.
  45. I’m sick of hearing that the military defends our freedoms.
  46. I’m sick of military Bibles.
  47. I’m sick of the worship given to veterans and members of the military.
  48. I’m sick of the military fighting foreign wars.
  49. I’m sick of soldiers just doing their jobs.
  50. I’m sick of Veterans Day becoming a day to recognize all things military.
  51. I’m sick of soldiers bombing, maiming, and killing under the flag of the United States.
  52. I’m sick of soldiers just following orders.
  53. I’m sick of the military functioning as the president’s personal attack force.
  54. I’m sick of military recruiters preying on ignorant young people.
  55. I’m sick of restaurants offering free or discounted meals to veterans or active-duty military personnel on Veterans Day.
  56. I’m sick of Veterans Day parades.
  57. I’m sick of the glory, laud, and honor that is heaped ad nauseam on the troops.
  58. I’m sick of the military fighting unjust and immoral wars.
  59. I’m sick of the Army sponsoring Tony Schumacher’s top fuel dragster.
  60. I’m sick of Christian colleges offering ROTC.
  61. I’m sick of the love affair that many conservative Christians have with the military.
  62. I’m sick of people, and especially libertarians, making excuses for the actions of the military.
  63. I’m sick of the military killing civilians and calling it collateral damage.
  64. I’m sick of the military being used for offense instead of defense.
  65. I’m sick of the military idolatry manifested by some Christians..
  66. I’m sick of the military making widows and orphans.
  67. I’m sick of conservatives saying we need a larger defense budget.
  68. I’m sick of military bands.
  69. I’m sick of veterans being given employment preferences.
  70. I’m sick of veterans being hired as cops and thinking the world is their battlefield and we are the enemy.
  71. I’m sick of the military intervening in other countries.
  72. I’m sick of the military building bases in other countries.
  73. I’m sick of all soldiers being called heroes.
  74. I’m sick of Chris Kyle’s widow being invited to speak at Christian school events.
  75. I’m sick of businesses advertising discounts for veterans.
  76. I’m sick of military values.
  77. I’m sick of filthy military cadences.
  78. I’m sick of people joining the military, traveling the world, meeting interesting people, and then killing them.
  79. I’m sick of military chaplains trying to serve two masters.
  80. I’m sick of Christian schools supplying cannon fodder to the military.
  81. I’m sick of pastors not warning the young people in their congregations about the evils of the military.
  82. I’m sick of libertarians criticizing every department and agency of the federal government except the military.
  83. I’m sick of store clerks asking for donations to help veterans.
  84. I’m sick of commercials for the military on television.
  85. I’m sick of billboards advertising the military.
  86. I’m sick of the Navy saying it is a global force for good.
  87. I’m sick of all the women on Navy ships who get pregnant.
  88. I’m sick of people saying that it is good for a young man to join the military because it will make a man out of him.
  89. I’m sick of church leaders encouraging young people to join the military.
  90. I’m sick of churches welcoming home U.S. soldiers from war with more enthusiasm than they welcome home missionaries from foreign fields.
  91. I’m sick of all the sexual assaults of women in the military.
  92. I’m sick of all the sexual assaults of men in the military.
  93. I’m sick of young people joining the military just to get money for college.
  94. I’m sick of military personnel being held up as role models.
  95. I’m sick of people saying that soldiers are not responsible for their actions because it is all the fault of the politicians.
  96. I’m sick of praise for the military on ketchup bottle labels.
  97. I’m sick of evangelicals being warvangelicals.
  98. I’m sick of military chaplains speaking during church services.
  99. I’m sick of special military guest speakers in church who aren’t chaplains.

I’m sick of all of it. Are you?

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