Iraqi cleric warns US Congress against Iraq break-up bill – do it and it’s war (breaking up Iraq has been the plan from the start)

‘Influential Iraqi Shia cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, has warned US Congress against passing a controversial bill recognizing the Sunnis and Kurds in Iraq as separate countries.

Al-Sadr said on Wednesday that if the bill is passed, Iraq will no longer be a safe place for the US, and its interests will become the target of attacks by the Iraqis who will never accept the “division of their country.”

“We are obliged to lift the freeze on our military wing … and begin hitting US interests in Iraq and outside it,” said Sadr, who once led the powerful Mahdi Army and still enjoys huge influence among the Shia population.’

Read more: Iraqi cleric warns US Congress against Iraq break-up bill – do it and it's war (breaking up Iraq has been the plan from the start)

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