Israeli Foreign Minister Denounces E.U. Proposal to Label Settlement Products

‘Israel’s foreign minister on Friday angrily denounced a letter signed by more than a dozen of his European counterparts asking that the European Union require products made in Israeli settlements be labeled differently from those made in Israel.

Avigdor Lieberman, the foreign minister, said if the European Union wanted to differentiate products made in Israeli settlements in the West Bank, it should just stick a yellow star on the products, a pointed reference to the stars Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe were forced to wear.

The letter, signed by 16 foreign ministers, urged the European foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini to clearly distinguish products sold in the European Union that are made in Israel from those made in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. It is similar to another letter, sent in 2013, by 13 members of the European Union to Ms. Mogherini’s predecessor.’

Read more: Israeli Foreign Minister Denounces E.U. Proposal to Label Settlement Products

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