Jack’s $29 Challenge

All right, let’s continue this discussion about food, shall we? I’ve talked about coffee and cake, so let’s turn our attention now to groceries as a whole. Actress Gwyneth Paltrow was in the news again with a publicity stunt using the poor as stage props. See the article here. She was challenged to live a whole week, a WHOLE WEEK I tell you, on the amount of food a person can allegedly buy with a week’s food stamps. That sum is $29 for the week and when you see what she bought, you’ll see she has as much idea of what the poor eat as a Turkey Vulture does about tofu. Now, let’s back up a moment and remember that this is the same Gwyneth Paltrow that hosted a Democratic fundraiser last year in her home where President Obama appeared. Remember that? Where she gushed over how “handsome” President Obama allegedly is? Yeah, that fundraiser with dinners that cost several thousands of dollars apiece. The tickets to this soiree were dang near over thirty-two grand! Hey Gwyneth, how many poor people could y’all have fed with that money as opposed to throwing that money away losing that election? Thirty-two large for a dadgum dinner and the Democrats and celebrities (but I repeat myself) think they know how the poor eat.

Ok, moving on, get a load of Gwyneth’s shopping list: Corn tortillas, eggs, an ear of corn, beans, onion, green onions, tomato, lettuce, kale, cilantro, a sweet potato, green peas, a head of garlic, an avocado and seven limes. Ha…ha, ha, ha…HA, HA, HA!! Really?! You think that’s how poor people spend the only $29 bucks they’ve got at the store, Gwyneth? Survey said—WRONG! A poor person isn’t going to waste money on seven frickin’ limes, I’ll tell you that much. And lettuce?! Give me a break over here! Money wasted on leafy water! An ear of corn?! Are you smoking fresh lime-infused kale and cilantro rolled in corn husks?! We’ll buy the value-bag of frozen corn and get ten times as much corn for the same price! Look what she bought! A $29 vegetarian burrito and a side of salsa! No, she was shopping like SHE eats, not the way WE eat. Yes, there’s a difference. We’re not celebrities born with a silver microphone in our mouths like her.

See, it isn’t just people with food stamps that have only $29 a week to spend on groceries. Lots of working Americans only have about $29 a week to spend on groceries and they’re not getting food stamps. But we know how to do that. We’ve been doing that for quite some time now. We don’t go out and buy seven frickin’ limes and the makings for a bowl of salsa and think we suddenly came to some social justice epiphany, either.

Give me that $29 bucks and I’ll show you how to buy food for a week! I’ll buy a whole chicken for six bucks and get three meals out of it and the carcass will be rendered into broth for a pot of soup. Throwing away a chicken or turkey carcass is throwing away money! I’ll buy a ten pound bag of potatoes for three bucks, a ten pound bag of rice for twelve bucks, and look at this, I’ve still got eight bucks for bread at two bucks a loaf and the monster bag of frozen green beans for three bucks. See, Gwyneth, we live like this every week, not just one week. You dig what I’m saying here? Know why that is? Because every time rich celebrities (including your oh-so-handsome President Obama) try and “help” us, we end up worse than we were before! Hey, look, just stay out of our way. We know how to stretch a buck at the store. We’ve been doing that long before celebrities were celebrities who think slumming it for a week is cool.

Take for example this “help” we got with “affordable health care”. Know what that did? Screwed the working poor! Being forced to BUY something we don’t want is not helping us! It’s more money out the door we could have used for something else we needed right now. And if we don’t buy it, you take money out of our tax returns! And that penalty goes up every year! How is that “helping” us, huh?! You jokers might think a $150 bill for health insurance a month is no big deal, but that’s bread off our table. A lot of bread. I just showed you how far we can make $29 go. Stop helping us! We can’t afford it!

Now here’s Hillary Clinton saying her so-called “plan” for the 2016 Presidential Election is to pitch “economic security”. Oh no, here we go again! I don’t need to see what her idea of “economic security” is and I already know I can’t afford it. Consider the source. A Clinton, and one that was part of the Obama Administration. We’ll go from the frying pan into the fire. Or rather, from the Obamacare into the Clintonomics. Speaking of food, apples don’t fall far from the tree. One reason the economy smells as bad as two-month-old government cheese is because the government confiscates so much money in taxes. So, how can you fix that by spending more money that requires more taxes? Oh, and we haven’t forgotten that you give our tax money to foreign governments, effectively allowing foreign governments to tax the American people. That’s what foreign aid basically is. They take the bread off your table and give it to Afghanistan.

But now here’s Hillary remembering the economy after how much money has been wasted in the Middle East and Ukraine and elsewhere? She was a big part of those shindigs. Look, I just showed you how far $29 a week can go at the grocery store. You want to help us? We don’t want another law! We don’t want another plan! We don’t need false ideas about “economic security” from people who never had to stretch a dollar in their lives! You know what we want? CUT OUR TAXES! We’ll do the rest! We already KNOW how to properly spend $29 bucks. The government has proved time and time again they don’t know how to wisely spend a trillion dollars, much less $29 bucks. Let us have back that $29 in our paycheck and we will do the rest without your “help”. I can’t afford any more help! I’d rather you ended that “help” you already gave me with Obamacare! Pulling the plug on Obamacare would actually help me a lot. Stop giving my money to corrupt governments all over the world (including this one right here we call the U.S. government) and let me keep my own money. There, ain’t that simple?

See, we don’t need rich celebrities to “walk in our shoes” for a week. We want to keep the money we make. We want the government out of our lives and wallets. We want an end to these pointless wars and endless slaughter committed all over the planet in our name. We’ll take that $29 and buy bread and not put it towards another bomb to drop on people that did nothing to us whatsoever. Yeah, I’ve got $29 and I don’t need Hillary, Gwyneth, or Obama to tell me how to spend it. Or extract it from me in taxes and go out and kill people that never did anything to me. Or give it to bloated bureaucrats in other governments so they can waste it as our own does.

Yeah, I’ve got your Twenty-Nine Dollar Challenge right here. Jack’s Twenty-Nine Dollar Challenge: Give us our twenty-nine bucks BACK, how about that, huh?! And then less people will need that $29 a week in food stamps. We don’t want your government cheese or your Gwyneth Paltrow government salsa. We want to eat our own bread we bought with our own money that we earned and got to keep. We want to enjoy the fruits of our own labor and not have those fruits confiscated and then wasted in senseless wars. There, you want “economic security”, that’s economic security. The security that comes from keeping our own money and not losing it by government decree.

No, Hillary, I’m not interested in your “economic security”. Not after what your former boss did to us with Obamacare. Jack’s Rule Number One is this: “Always assume it’s a scam. Especially when it’s the government.” And this “economic security” is an obvious scam and I shudder to think what it would actually be. Probably more taxes, probably being forced to buy some kind of “economic security insurance”. Can’t you just see that? “We’ll take bread off your table right now to make sure you have bread on your table right now…” Huh?! What?! Again, typical scam, just like Obamacare. And this government wonders what creates voter apathy? Right, and what was Obama’s solution for that? Mandatory voting is what he’d do if he could. Yeah, typical of them. Force people to do things they’d rather avoid because they see the obvious scam in it. Like Obamacare. And that’s what twigs me to the scam-in-waiting of a Hillary “economic security” plan.

So, hey, if Hillary gets in, be ready to have to really learn how far you can make $29 go. If you have $29 left, that is. Don’t you feel economically secure already?

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