Jones and Lynch Letter To Editor on 28 Pages in New York Times

In a letter to the editor published in the April 17 edition of the New York Times, Congressmen Walter Jones and Stephen Lynch lead off, citing the April 14 Times article about Bob Graham and the 28 pages:

“You write that intelligence officials claim that the contents of the 28 pages regarding a possible Saudi connection to the 9/11 attacks were explored and found to be unsubstantiated in a later review by the national commission. If that is the case, then what is the harm in releasing the pages? Yet they remain classified.

“Along with Representative Thomas Massie, a Kentucky Republican, we have introduced H.R. 14 to urge the president to declassify the 28 pages. We are working to make sure that the bill is introduced in the Senate and brought up in the House. The American people can ask their members of Congress to support this effort.”

Between the April 14 New York Times article on Sen. Graham’s quest for the declassification of the 28 pages, which also highlighted the Sarasota FBI coverup of the “Florida Connection” between leading Saudi families and the 9/11 hijackers, similar coverage in the New York Post, and the April 17 Tampa Bay Times op-ed by former Florida Sen. Graham, the momentum is continuing to build for the exposé of the Saudi role in the original 9/11 attacks, as well as the subsequent expansion of Al Qaeda and emergence of the Islamic State.

In his Tampa Bay Times op-ed, headlined “Did 9/11 Terrorists Get Outside Help?” Sen. Graham cited evidence of multiple Saudi links to the 19 hijackers, including a Los Angeles consular official, Saudi intelligence officers, and a wealth Saudi businessman, whose family fled Florida just prior to the attacks. Sen. Graham concluded that:

“Protection from culpability in the most heinous attack on the homeland of the United States since Pearl Harbor makes it reasonable for the Kingdom to assume it can act with impunity…. Saudi Arabia was the home of al-Qaeda and was instrumental in the creation of ISIS. These are the poisonous fruits that have grown from our refusal to sanction the Kingdom for what it did.”

He urged constituents to demand that Congress and President Obama release the full 28 pages.

Support H.Res. 14 to declassify the 28 pages on 9/11.

SEE “Declassify the 28 Pages”

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