Longevity Doctor: ‘Fountain of Youth’ Medicine Hyped by Big Pharma Might Cause Premature Aging, Death

‘Are you a man experiencing decreased sex drive? Are your erections less strong? Is your body fat increasing and your muscle mass decreasing? Are you fatigued and lack energy? Are you sad and grumpy and experiencing less mental clarity? If so, a lot of marketing these days claims you may be suffering from “Low T”—low levels of the testosterone, the male hormone.

While a decrease in sex drive, muscle mass and energy are part of the aging process, for men and women, slick marketers in the last few years have told men the signs are actually from their waning testosterone and reversible if they supplement their testosterone deficiencies. Promising men the fountain of youth through replacing their testosterone deficiency is a $1.6 billion market for AbbVie, Eli Lilly and other drug companies that are aggressively marketing treatments for Low T.’

Read more: Longevity Doctor: 'Fountain of Youth' Medicine Hyped by Big Pharma Might Cause Premature Aging, Death

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