Mass arrests of opposition activists reported in south Ukraine’s Odessa — local media

‘More than 10 opposition activists have been detained in Odessa on Wednesday by the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU). Among them are the mother of the leader of the Odessa “Anti-Maidan” group Anton Davidchenko, leader of the People’s Rada of Bessarabia Vera Shevchenko and opposition journalist Artyom Buzila, 1NEWS writes.

The arrests have sparked a massive public outcry in the social networks. “The authorities are so afraid of Odessa residents, so afraid of assuming responsibility for the May 2 events that it is trying to silence as many people as it can,” Editor-in-Chief of the Timer Internet portal Yury Tkachev writes on his Facebook page. “A total of 50 people have been arrested this month in Odessa alone.” Tkachev has urged Odessa residents not to cede ground and join a memorial rally on May 2.’

Read more: Mass arrests of opposition activists reported in south Ukraine's Odessa — local media

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