Maui Biotech corporations conduct human experimentation in Maui in violation of international law

‘A rogue federal judge is intentionally stalling the implementation of a referendum passed last year by voters in Maui County, Hawaii, which when it finally comes into effect will bar chemical giants Monsanto and Dow from further polluting the island with experimental pesticides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Judge Susan Oki Mollway has taken it upon herself to interfere with the will of Maui voters by postponing a hearing that would have moved the referendum forward, her excuse being that two proposed legislative bills that were supposed to come up for consideration, but that have long since died without a hearing, might have made it possible to nullify the referendum (yeah, we can clearly see where your loyalties lie, Mollway).’

Read more: Maui Biotech corporations conduct human experimentation in Maui in violation of international law

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