Meeting Resistance, Jerry Brownshirt Wants More Power To Cut Water

Jerry Brown held a press conference with a few legislators April 28 to demand turning austerity screws tighter on water users in California. Having previously ordered that water utilities or marketing boards that do not enforce the draconian 25% cuts in water use be fined $10,000 a day, Brown now wants to be able to impose such fines on individual businesses, and even individual residents of the state. To do this, he wants new legislation.

Associated Press reports:

“California businesses and residents that waste the most water as the state copes with a drought should face $10,000 fines, Gov. Jerry Brown said, as his administration rejected calls from cities to relax its mandatory water conservation targets. The recommendation was part of a legislative proposal Brown said he would make to expand enforcement of water restrictions.”

The resistance Governor Brownshirt is facing is real enough, though “all over the lot” in terms of what its principles are. But LaRouchePAC organizers across the state, who are calling on people to act to “jail that Nazi” (Brown), are getting a dynamic response

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