Michele Bachmann explains ‘God’s time clock’: Iran nuclear deal makes ‘Christ’s return imminent’

‘Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) predicted in a recent interview that President Barack Obama’s handling of the Middle East was a sign of the End Times and that Jesus Christ would soon return to Earth.

“If we actually turn our back on Israel as we have seen Barack Obama do today, if that happens then I think we will see a scale and a level of push back in the United States, negative consequences,” Bachmann told Understanding the Times radio host Jan Markell on Sunday. “I don’t know what they are, but I believe that the Bible is true. And believe what the Bible says is that our nation and the people of our nation will reap a whirlwind, and we could see economic disasters, natural disasters.”’

Read more: Michele Bachmann explains ‘God’s time clock’: Iran nuclear deal makes ‘Christ’s return imminent’

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