Mobilizing Americans to Defend Vitrenko, Stop Fascism in Ukraine

LaRouche movement organizer Michele Steinberg briefed several dozen people around the country participating last night in a special Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) conference call on the fascist threat in Ukraine, on the threat to Ukrainian patriot and friend of the LaRouches, Natalia Vitrenko.

The PDA, which is working on a draft resolution that they want the Progressives in Congress to adopt, to support the Minsk II agreement, featured special guest Ray McGovern, the well-known outspoken campaigner against the neo-Conservative betrayal of the American republic, on the call. McGovern went after the myth that the Ukraine crisis started over Crimea, situating it instead in the United States’ breaking of its “handshake” promise to Russian leaders after the fall of the Berlin Wall, that there would be no NATO expansion. He identified the central role of State Department Assistant Secretary Victoria Nuland in installing Nazis and neo-Nazis in power in Ukraine today, and warned that he is more afraid than ever of nuclear war, due to President Obama and his policies, including the BMD.

The attack on Vitrenko was taken very seriously when it was raised in the discussion period. McGovern reported that he had met Natalia Vitrenko at a Schiller Institute conference in Europe where both had spoken, and one of the PDA organizers of the call announced that the LaRouche movement’s release on the threat would be posted to a new “Google group” that PDA has set up.

The growing horror of American patriots over the Nazi regime which Obama and Nuland have installed in Ukraine, was reflected in Tufts University professor Gary Leupp’s article, “Ukraine: The Truth,” published yesterday by Counterpunch. Leupp concludes, after detailing Nuland’s role and Right Sector neo-fascists installed in the government and wielding such shock troops as the notorious Azov Battalion:

“There is a fascist-friendly regime in Ukraine, ushered into power by the U.S. State Department. And it does want to enter NATO, and weaken Russia if possible, by re-establishing control over Crimea and booting the Russian fleet out…

“…[w]ith crazies running the U.S. State Department, successfully promoting a bogus narrative about what’s happened in Ukraine over the last two years—a narrative echoed slavishly by a clueless mainstream media—it’s just barely conceivable that there might come a day in which U.S. forces join the Azov Battalion in battling forces of the Peoples Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk.

“It won’t have anything to do with freedom, any more than the last few U.S. wars have had anything to do with that abstraction. It will be about imperial expansion, which while it might serve the .01% that rules this country, is not in your interest at all.”


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