Monsanto’s Roundup harms human endocrine system at levels allowed in drinking water, study shows

‘The blockbuster herbicide Roundup causes damage to the human endocrine system at levels that people could easily — and legally — be exposed to, according to a new study conducted by researchers from Flinders University in Australia. The researchers found that, in a laboratory study, Roundup killed cells responsible for producing progesterone in women, leading to a drop in levels of that hormone.

The effects were seen at Roundup levels currently permitted in Australian drinking water, which 1 mg/L. The US Environmental Protection Agency’s drinking water limit for glyphosate is 0.7 mg/L; however, that does not take into account the other ingredients of Roundup.

Notably, the researchers found that Roundup was even more toxic than its active ingredient (glyphosate) alone, suggesting that other ingredients in Roundup work synergistically with glyphosate and pointing to a problem with current chemical regulatory frameworks.’

Read more: Monsanto's Roundup harms human endocrine system at levels allowed in drinking water, study shows

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