NY Post Article Exposes FBI Coverup of Saudi Role in 9-11, Calls for Release of 28 Pages

In a hard-hitting article published Sunday by conservative writer Paul Sperry, the New York Post exposes the FBI’s coverup of the Saudi role in 9-11, starting with the FBI’s self-review of its own 9-11 investigation that was released March 25 as the “Final Report of the 9/11 Review Commission,” which finds that the FBI did a fine job of investigating the attack, and that the Saudis had no role in it.

Sperry focuses on the case of Sarasota, Florida, in which a wealthy, well-connected Saudi family, the al-Hijjis, “just 15 days before the 9/11 attacks,… suddenly abandoned their luxury home in Sarasota, Fla., leaving behind jewelry, clothes, opulent furniture, a driveway full of cars—including a brand new Chrysler PT Cruiser—and even a refrigerator full of food. About the only thing not left behind was a forwarding address. The occupants simply vanished without notifying their neighbors, realtor, or even mail carrier.”

FBI “Agents identified persons of interest in the case, establishing their ties to other terrorists, sympathies with Osama bin Laden, and anti-American remarks. They looked into their bank accounts, colleges, and places of employment. They tracked at least one suspect’s re-entry into the U.S. The Saudi-9/11 connection in Florida was no small part of the overall 9/11 investigation. Yet it was never shared with Congress. Nor was it mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report.

“The review panel highlighted one local FBI report generated from the investigation that said Abdulaziz and Anoud al-Hijji, the prominent Saudi couple who ‘fled’ their home, had ‘many connections to individuals associated with the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001.’

“But: ‘The FBI told the Review Commission that the communication was “poorly written” and “wholly unsubstantiated”,’ the panel noted in its 128-page report. ‘When questioned later by others in the FBI, the special agent who wrote (it) was unable to provide any basis for the contents of the document or explain why he wrote it as he did.’

“How strange,” writes Sperry. “Yet panelists did not interview the unidentified agent for themselves. They just accepted headquarters’ impeachment of his work.

“Odder still, the agent’s report was just one of many other FBI communications detailing ties between the Saudi family and the hijackers. In fact, the Tampa office of the FBI recently was ordered to turn over more than 80,000 pages of documents, filling some 27 boxes, from its 9/11 investigation to a federal judge hearing a Freedom of Information Act case filed by local journalists over the Sarasota angle. The judge is sorting through the boxes to determine which documents should remain classified. Most are marked ‘SECRET/NOFORN,’ meaning no foreign nationals—a classification reserved for highly sensitive materials.”

Sperry ends with an appeal for declassification of the secret 28 pages of the Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9-11, on foreign (read: Saudi) involvement, as called for by its co-authors, including former Sen. Bob Graham of Florida, and by H Res 14 of Reps. Walter Jones (R-NC), and Stephen Lynch (D-MA).

SEE “Declassify the 28 Pages”


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