Obama’s British War on Libya: The Genocide Escalates

Obama’s jihadi killers in Libya — the ones that Obama and Britain’s David Cameron installed in Libya in 2011 following the overthrow and murder of Libyan President Muammar Qaddafi — are behind the boat smuggling operations in which unknown thousands of migrants have died at sea. On the weekend of April 18-19, between 700 and 900 African migrants reportedly died in one of the largest shipwrecks in modern times in Libyan territorial waters. Since the start of 2014, the Los Angeles Times reported, about 4,400 boat deaths of migrants coming from Libya — with 900 so far in 2015 before the latest incident.

These and other deaths as a result of the 2011 Libya war are not “collateral” damage — they were the intent. It was Obama and the British who rammed through the UN Security Council resolution in 2011 in the name of saving Libyan civilians from a “humanitarian” disaster in Benghazi; it was Obama and Cameron who lied to the UNSC, saying there was no plan for regime change; it was Obama, Britain and the Saudi-Qatari-Wahhabis who put the al-Qaeda affiliate Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) people in power and later ran the ratline of arms from Libya to Syria that built up Al Nusra and the Islamic State.

These same jihadi killers, who ousted the elected government of Libya in 2014, are now profiteering by herding people onto the ships of death. Il Giornale war correspondent Gian Micalessin points to the Obama Administration-backed Tripoli government as the entity running the traffic of human beings through the Mediterranean, in an article April 20th.

Since last August, when the Fajr Libya (Libyan Dawn) jihadist militia took power in Tripoli, forcing the recently elected Parliament and government into exile in Tobruk, the Tripoli gang has been running the migrant racket, for purpose of financing its war against the elected government in Tobruk, Micalessin reports.

Fajr Libya is dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood and by former members of the LIFG. Tripoli has “intense relationsips” with the jihadist militia that run the human traffic at the southern borders to Sudan, Chad and Niger. Since August, those militias have had a green light to move tens of thousands of human beings through the desert, to the northern coast of Libya. Southern smugglers get $800 for each migrant, and northern smugglers charge $1,500 for each. The “load” that sank on April 19, ensured an income of $900,000, he says, and the money is shared between the smugglers and the Fajr Libya leadership.

Micalessin identifies that the jihadi “coalition” not only has support from Qatar and Turkey, but is also close to Ansar al Sharia, a terrorist organization already “very close to the Islamic State.” He doesn’t mention that Ansar al Sharia was the leading jihadi group in the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans on Sept. 11, 2012—the anniversary of the 9/11 Saudi-backed terror attack in 2001.

Micalessin also doesn’t report that the Obama administration is backing a UN effort for a “dialogue” between Tripoli and Tobruk, to put the dark ages’ Libyan Dawn into power.

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