Petition on California Water Hits Brown, Greens

A petition attacking Jerry Brown’s fascist water austerity and for infrastructure-based solutions has gained almost 50,000 signatures since it was launched less than 12 hours ago. Posted by one “Elias C” from Los Angeles, the petition, “Stop Punishing California Residents. The water problem is YOUR FAULT!” features a map of a vast sea of blue (Pacific Ocean), with the minuscule-looking California coastline on the far right. Superimposed labels with arrows in bright red make the point: One points to the deep blue sea, labeled “Water,” the other to the relatively tiny “California.”

Although he doesn’t directly call for nuclear (endorsing “solar-powered” desalination, instead), Elias presents a refreshing, pro-development, anti-green perspective, and gives Brown-shirted Jerry his due. “We have done our part,” begins the introduction. “We have installed water saving toilets, shower-heads, sprinklers, faucets, etc. We have reduced our water consumption dramatically and are paying exorbitant fees for water and taxes. Enough is enough!

“On the other hand, YOU [Jerry Brown] have done nothing to prepare the state for water shortages and increased population. Blaming the weather is flat-out irresponsible. You had plenty of warning. Our water system is old and not capable of sustaining growth or lack of rain.”

In the four points which follow, “Elias” emphasizes: Water desalination; infrastructure (imported from Columbia River); and tapping Middle East water engineers for solutions. “The technology is available,” he says. “Not only will water rationing kill the fifth-largest economy in the world, it will also kill all those trees and plants designed to reduce CO2 emissions. If you need money, how about tapping the ‘global warming tax’ proceeds, or the over-bloated paychecks at the Water Resource Board? How about a public contest, using state money, to encourage the creativity of all those engineers at Stanford, or Cal Tech?

“With all these resources at your disposal, it is just impossible to believe that the only solution you can find is to further punish the citizens for your mistakes and lack of action. Get off your comfortable seats and comfy offices and GET TO WORK! Time to act and work for US, the people that pay your salaries, the citizens of California!”

With each of the 47,927 signatures (as of 5pm Monday evening), Elias says he has sent an e-mail to Jerry Brown!

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