Preparing for race war: The South African white supremacist bootcamps which are training thousands of youths to fight blacks and create an apartheid state

‘Deep in rural South Africa, a terrifying white supremacist movement is brainwashing teenagers to rise up in defiance of Nelson Mandela’s hard-fought dream of a Rainbow Nation.

The far-right Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB) is training thousands of youths in military-style bootcamps northwest of Johannesburg to fight for a separate white state.

By day, they are pushed to their physical limits with assault courses and self-defence lessons, all the while being told of the danger from ‘the millions of blacks trying to kill you’.

Then by night, they are subjected to vile racist indoctrination which many hoped had disappeared from South Africa for good.’

Read more: Preparing for race war: The South African white supremacist bootcamps which are training thousands of youths to fight blacks and create an apartheid state

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