Protect Taxpayers, Defund the OECD!

Campaign for Liberty has joined with 19 other free-market organizations in requesting Congress stop giving taxpayer money to the Organization for Economic Corporation and Development (OECD).

Instead of promoting “economic development” this misnamed organization uses taxpayer money to advocate for higher taxes as part of its long-term goal of eliminating “tax competition” among countries…because universal high taxes is a great way to promote economic development. OECD is also opposes financial privacy since it will be easier for governments to collect the maximum amount of revenue if they have complete information on our finances.

Campaign for Liberty remains committed to fighting for lower taxes. We all are also working to end the IRS’s attempt to abuse its power to silence groups like Campaign for Liberty. Please join our efforts.

Text of the letter below and here:

Coalition for Tax Competition
April 6, 2015

Dear Senators and Representatives:

American taxpayers should not be asked to subsidize international organizations working against U.S. interests. The undersigned organizations, representing the Coalition for Tax Competition, call on Congress to protect American interests by ending subsidies to the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

The OECD has made ending tax competition one of its major purposes. In pursuit of this goal, it targets jurisdictions with low-tax rates and robust privacy rules aimed at protecting human rights.

Tax Competition plays a key role in promoting efficient government and encourages politicians to adopt pro-growth policies. It is an essential protection for taxpayers worldwide. The United States is also the world’s biggest beneficiary of international capital flows and tax competition through its attraction of international capital.

The OECD even weighs in on domestic U.S. policy debates and consistently sides with bigger government. In the past it has supported so-called “stimulus” spending, pushed Obamacare style health care, advocated for cap-and-trade regulation, and suggested a value-added tax in the U.S. In its most recent “Economic Survey” of the United States released last year, the OECD advocated for making the personal income tax system more redistributive, for greater federal involvement in education, and for new barriers to employment through a higher minimum wage and nationally mandated paid family leave.

In FY 2014, the United States sent $87 million to the OECD, much of which went to pay the tax-free salaries of its army of elite global bureaucrats. The United States is its single largest supporter, accounting for over 21% of its total 2014 budget.

There’s never a good time to ask American taxpayers to fund lavish paychecks for international bureaucrats working against their interests, but it’s especially egregious to do so when Washington can’t balance the budget. The undersigned organizations call upon Congress to defund the OECD.


Andrew Quinlan, President
Center for Freedom & Prosperity
Grover Norquist, President
Americans for Tax Reform
Pete Sepp, President
National Taxpayers Union
Phil Kerpen, President
American Commitment
J. Bradley Jansen, Director
Center for Financial Privacy and Human Rights
Seton Motley, President
Less Government
David Williams, President
Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Bob Bauman, Chairman
Sovereign Society Freedom Alliance
Tom Giovanetti, President
Institute for Policy Innovation
George Landrith, President
Frontiers of Freedom
Iain Murray, Vice President
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Andrew Moylan, Executive Director
R Street Institute
Tom Schatz, President
Council for Citizens Against Government Waste
Sabrina Schaeffer, Executive Director
Independent Women’s Forum
James L. Martin, Chairman
60 Plus Association
Heather Higgins, President
Independent Women’s Voice
Lew Uhler, President
National Tax Limitation Committee
Karen Kerrigan, President
Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council
Wayne Brough, Chief Economist and Vice President of Research
John Tate, President
Campaign for Liberty
Richard Manning, President
Americans for Limited Government




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