Remove the Cork With a Ribbon

Open your bottle of wine with a shoe, swiftly chill a bottle with wet paper towels and spread shaving cream on clothes stained with red.

These and 11 other useful tips are revealed in an infographic by Business Insider.

From hacks such as storing leftover red wine in ice-cube trays, to advice on how to bypass wholesalers and retailers when buying wine, here are 14 practical tips every oenophile should have in their arsenal.

Lost your corkscrew and in need of a glass? The infographic details not one but two ways you can open the bottle.

The first, the ribbon method, is a four-step process which starts off with using a pen to push the cork entirely into the bottle.

Then, take a ribbon and holding it in a ‘u’ shape, guide it into the bottle. Make sure it is underneath the cork so that it cradles the bottom.

Next you need to hold the base of the bottle with one hand and the end of the ribbon with the other.

Use force to pull the ends of the ribbon until the cork comes out.

The three-step shoe method is simpler and involves shoving the bottom of the bottle tightly into the opening of a shoe.

The infographic reveals how to open a bottle of wine without using a corkscrew

The infographic reveals how to open a bottle of wine without using a corkscrew

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