Report Shows US Invasion, Occupation of Iraq Left One Million Dead

‘The “Body Count” report notes that its numbers are a conservative estimate, and that the total number of people killed in the three countries “could also be in excess of 2 million, whereas a figure below 1 million is extremely unlikely.”

A recently published report has revealed that the US invasion and occupation of Iraq was responsible for the deaths of approximately 1 million Iraqis, which is 5 percent of the total population of the country. The report also tallies hundreds of thousands of casualties in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Authors of the report, titled “Body Count: Casualty Figures After 10 Years of the ‘War on Terror,’” have told Truthout that other casualty reports, like the often-quoted Iraq Body Count (IBC), which has a high-end estimate at the time of this writing of 154,563, are far too low in their estimates, and that the real numbers reach “genocidal dimensions.”’

Read more: Report Shows US Invasion, Occupation of Iraq Left One Million Dead

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