SBU Uses Fraud to Terrorize Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU) Leader Natalia Vitrenko

Published on, translated from Russian by EIRNS.

PSPU Press Service statement

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) is continuing political defamation against the left opposition party leader, People’s Deputy of Ukraine, and former Presidential candidate, Doctor of Economics Natalia Vitrenko. The latest piece of fakery was disseminated yesterday on the websites and

The false accusation was embedded in the article’s headline, which declared: “Vitrenko Received 8 Million Rubles from Russian Minister Lavrov.” Further on, the motive for this defamation is disclosed: “Investigators suspect that these funds will be used for other purposes. In particular, that they will be used for propaganda work to discredit the Ukrainian government authorities, to provoke armed conflict between different layers of the population of Ukraine, to incite ethnic hatred, and to provide information support for conducting ‘referenda’ in Ukraine’s eastern regions.”

It is no accident, that this latest falsehood has been disseminated. The regime brought to power by the Euromaidan is discrediting itself through economic collapse, social genocide, corruption, and its inability to establish peace and preserve the territorial integrity of the country or realize the promised European values. Natalia Vitrenko has been interrogated twice at the SBU. She offered facts to prove that the “suspicions” are invalid and the statements false. But efforts to defame her and shape a negative view of her on the part of the public are continuing, through the media.

As for these suspicions, they are either the product of minds that are hallucinating, or of officials experiencing a bad hangover, or of fear over bearing ultimate responsibility for defaming and tarnishing the business reputation, both within the country and worldwide, of Ukrainian statesman and political figure Natalia Mikhailovna Vitrenko.

We demand that Glavkom and publish a retraction, in the form of publication of this statement form the PSPU Press Service.


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