Sex cravings, children seeing monsters and foul-mouthed rants: Residents of Kazakh ‘Village of the Damned’ hit by mysterious ‘sleeping sickness’ reveal sufferers’ disturbing new symptoms

‘People living in Kazakhstan’s ‘Village of the Damned’ have spoken of the horrifying side effects of the mysterious sleeping sickness which can leave them unconscious for days – as others reveal they fear they are being poisoned to force them to make way for a gold mine.

When a photojournalist spent a night at the infamous village, she was told of how children have seen their mothers grow eyes on their foreheads and usually well-mannered pensioners denounce their nurses as ‘whores’ and ‘prostitutes’.

Meanwhile, men struggle with uncontrollable sexual desires after waking from the coma-like sleep in the village of Kalachi, in northern Kazakhstan.

It is the first time residents of the village, which has also been dubbed ‘Sleepy Hollow’, have spoken of the debilitating side effects.’

Read more: Sex cravings, children seeing monsters and foul-mouthed rants: Residents of Kazakh 'Village of the Damned' hit by mysterious 'sleeping sickness' reveal sufferers' disturbing new symptoms

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