Stagecraft: ISIS Video ‘Execution’ of Ethiopians in Libya Appears Fake

‘A newly released ISIS video allegedly depicts some 30 Ethiopians being ‘executed’ in two separate locations in Libya.

However, one should take note, that this highly produced propaganda video – fails to provide any conclusive, or remotely credible evidence of a crime scene.

The terror installment said to have been carried out by ISIS militants entitled, “Until There Came to Them Clear Evidence,” was reportedly released by Al-Furqan Media, a media arm linked to the notorious Al-Hayat Media Center, the official media outlet for all sanctioned ISIS propaganda.

Once again, we see a terror motion picture which has been produced for dramatic effect, another work of deception – designed to create an emotional response within the viewer, rather than a rational one.’

Read more: Stagecraft: ISIS Video ‘Execution’ of Ethiopians in Libya Appears Fake

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