Texas Woman Invokes Religious Freedom Argument to Fight $2000 Fine for Feeding Homeless

‘A San Antonio woman is planning to use the state’s “religious freedom” law to contest a citation she received for feeding homeless residents at a local park, the San Antonio Express-News reported.

Joan Cheever said four bike-patrol officers ticketed her last week for handing out food from a vehicle that was not her food truck. It was reportedly was the first time authorities stopped her after providing a free meal for the homeless every week since 2005.

The citation carries a potential fine of $2,000. When she goes to court on June 23, she said she will argue that she should be allowed to continue sharing her food because it is a valid expression of her faith under the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.’

Read more: Texas Woman Invokes Religious Freedom Argument to Fight $2000 Fine for Feeding Homeless

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