The All-In-One Miracle Tonic?

Apple cider vinegar is a popular health tonic that is pushed as a powerhouse for health – and for good reason. The food has been used as a health tonic and miracle cure for all different types of ailments, from ACV, to upset stomach, to acne. So in what ways is apple cider vinegar beneficial to your health?

Conventional vinegar products are made through fermentation and then are filtered. Most store brought vinegar is clear, distilled, and looks nothing like its raw counterpart. Filtering out and/or pasteurizing the vinegar removes or lessens the health benefits it would otherwise hold.

A raw unfiltered vinegar is dark and murky colored, with the ‘mother’ of vinegar suspended in the liquid. ‘Mother’ in vinegar is the bacteria used to create vinegar and give it its sour taste. It is generally filtered out of conventional vinegar products when they are finished, but contains beneficial enzymes and probiotics.

In Western culture for many years, an essential element missing from the diet has been fermented foods. A combination of cooking food, microwaving, pasteurizing, filtering and otherwise “sanitizing” the foods we eat today have removed all the living enzymes from them. This is why apple cider vinegar (ACV) is so useful.

Fermented foods exist in many diverse forms throughout the world, having an essential place in the diets of many cultures. Many chronic diseases can be linked to enzyme deficiency which prevents the body from properly digesting and using the nutrients found in the foods we eat. So consuming more fermented foods is important to fend off these diseases.

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