The BRICS, Led by China, Are Making a Scientific Revolution; It’s Time to Rid the U.S. of the Culture of Degeneracy

This week marks the formal launching of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), with 46 nations, including all of the leading nations of Eurasia, signing on to the China-led initiative. Many of the nations joining in the AIIB are unaware, Lyndon LaRouche emphasized in discussions with colleagues on Tuesday, that the Chinese are in the process, with other BRICS nations, of bringing an end to the global system of empire, and, even beyond that, of superceding old notions of sovereignty to forge a true community of principle, based on the common aims of mankind.

Above all else, LaRouche emphasized, China is leading a scientific revolution, to elevate mankind, to take on the mission of the great 17th-Century scientist Johannes Kepler, who advanced modern science, on the shoulders of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, by situating man’s creative discoveries within the Solar System as a whole. By reviving the extra-terrestrial imperative, through an advanced space program, China is, in effect, leading a new global Renaissance.

LaRouche emphasized that true science–in stark opposition to the reductionist, pragmatic nonsense that passes for conventional mathematical science today–deals with mankind’s creative capacity to forecast a future for the planet, in the Solar System, and, in so doing, change mankind’s behavior. Only man, among all the living creatures, has the capacity to invent the future, and realize it through scientific discovery.

This is the challenge that has been taken up by the BRICS nations, and particularly by China.

LaRouche cautioned that there are lunatic, desperate forces, that will attempt to destroy these bold initiatives. They must be defeated. That means, for starters, that President Obama must be removed from office now–before he starts a world war in order to save Wall Street and the British empire. Their policy is to eliminate 80 percent of the human race, in a succession of perpetual wars. They are attempting to start a “limited” thermonuclear war in the heart of Eurasia–to block the BRICS momentum and to destroy both Russia and China. LaRouche cautioned that these lunatics are so disconnected from reality, and so incompetent, that their efforts could very well lead to human extinction.

Beyond Obama, Wall Street, and London, both Saudi Arabia and Israel are mad instruments of the empire, and must be destroyed, as well. No sane person can allow the likes of Benjamin Netanyahu or Saudi King Salman to start an endless war, all on behalf of London and Wall Street’s desperation to stop the BRICS new paradigm, literally through mass kill.

While “practical people” reject the idea that Obama can be removed, or that the power of Wall Street can be brought down, LaRouche recommended that the great poet-historian-scientist William Shakespeare is a perfect place to start, to cure the disease of pragmatism and the effects of the worse-than-banal culture that has enveloped the trans-Atlantic region for all of the 20th Century. In all of his histories and tragedies, Shakespeare identified the successes and failures of mankind, always providing a scientific diagnosis of the deeper cultural processes driving nations and peoples. “Shakespeare,” LaRouche declared, “was better as a scientist than most scientists of the 20th Century. He was a master of the science of human behavior.”

“You cannot defeat an evil culture through practical ethics,” LaRouche warned. “Popular opinion is the destructive force of evil.” LaRouche singled out the Bush Family as one of the central sources of evil in the U.S. for much of the 20th and all of the 21st Century to date.

By rooting out the Bush treason, by removing Obama from office now, by shutting down the Saudi and Israeli diseases, we can pave the way for the BRICS nations to launch the kind of scientific and cultural renaissance that is now urgently needed, to steer mankind away from the suicidal course it is now on.

That is the challenge of the moment.

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