The Crimes of the Educators

WASHINGTON — Utopian dictators like Stalin, Hitler,  Pol  Pot,  and  Mao  were  criminals  – genocidal psychopaths who killed more human beings in the last hundred years than any other ideologues in history. They didn’t limit their murderous rampage to individuals but went after entire nations.

In the United States another form of utopians, the “progressives,” have tried to destroy traditional America by strategically dumbing down her people. America’s future is being crippled on purpose in order to fundamentally transform the nation, its values, and its system of government.

Veteran educator and American author Samuel Blumenfeld and journalist Alex Newman have taken on the public education establishment as never before and exposed it for the de facto criminal enterprise it is.

To be released by WND Books on April 14, 2015, Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools To Destroy America’s Children reveals how the architects of America’s public school disaster implemented a plan to socialize the United States by knowingly and willingly dumbing down the population, a mission closer to success than ever before as the Obama administration works relentlessly to nationalize K-12 schooling with Common Core.

“One does not need agree with Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman on everything to agree that Crimes of the Educators makes a compelling case that America’s public education system must undergo radical change if future generations are to have any chance of living in a free and prosperous country,” said Congressman Ron Paul.

The whole word method of teaching children to read – introduced by John Dewey and colleagues in the early twentieth century and which permeates Common Core – is a signifcant cause of dyslexia among students. Public education’s war against religion, the “great American math disaster,” promotion of death education, and the government’s plan to lower standards for all so “no one is left behind” is destroying the logic, reasoning, and overall educational prowess of America’s next generation.

Renowned editor H. L. Mencken said it best in 1924 when he wrote that the aim of public education is “to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe  level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.”

It is time to hold the Department of Education accountable for the crimes of the educators.

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