The ‘Perfect’ Man

What really makes people attractive? Some people say its predetermined and you cant choose who you like. Some say facial symmetry, or pheromones subconsciously bring people together. Sometimes, somebody is just inexplicably pleasing to the eyes, almost like nature automatically decided it. Some people say attitude, personality, and individuality are what make a person the most appealing. Or maybe you need to be extremely muscular or fit?

In the modern world, there is not always a clear template of attractiveness, and masculinity or femininity can be subtly suggested or completely hijacked with the subtle programming of pop culture. Its human nature to compare oneself to those around them, but this can easily be unhealthy, and unrealistic in a society full of Photoshopping.

A recent study asked both UK men and women which features they thought were most attractive for males.  Results had men selecting a “pretty boy” looking configuration complete with a Justin Bieber hairstyle and a muscular physique. Interestingly, the women picked a more average type man, complete with no big muscles, some chest hair, and even a little flab.


Left: What men think women want. | Right: What women want, according to the study.

The study suggests that men, at least in the UK have some sort of peripheral insecurity about their body image, and may feel the need to “measure up” to somebody famous, or even just someone ‘better looking’ than they are. Meanwhile, the women more or less don’t have superstar expectations for their ideal mate, and would be fine with a more or less normal-looking man.

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