The Pro-GMO Lobby In Retreat. ‘Monsanto’s ‘Discredit Bureau’ has More than Enough on its Plate’

‘It has been such a tough period for the pro-GMO lobby that it’s difficult to know where to begin. But let us start by looking at two pieces of recent research that strike at the very heart of the pro-GMO argument, namely:

1) GM crops are needed to feed the world.

2) The GMO agritech industry is based on sound science and reasoned argument.

GM crops are not needed to feed the world

A new report just released by Environmental Working Group has delivered a stinging rebuke to the argument that GM crops are the answer to future global food shortages (also see this, this and this). A thorough analysis of recent research conducted in the US and around the world shows that such crops have not significantly improved the yields of crops such as corn and soy.’

Read more: The Pro-GMO Lobby In Retreat. 'Monsanto’s ‘Discredit Bureau’ has More than Enough on its Plate'

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