Two Systems are Before the World

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in the midst of an extraordinary week in which she addressed three major “New Silk Road” conferences in Europe, began her speech to the Cultural-Business Dialogue in Baden-Baden April 25 in this way:

“Strategically, we must consider two completely different systems.

“One system is based on geopolitical expansion, on monetarism, on maximization of the profits of a few. Should this system prevail, it may lead to the extinction of the human race.

“Fortunately,… a completely parallel economic and financial system has arisen since last July, one which certainly is not without its problems, but has an entirely different orientation; and indeed, is based on the future, and on human creativity.”

This the system of the BRICS-allied nations. The oligarchical system is dominated by the City of London financial imperialists and threatens global depopulation and thermonuclear war. Look at the situation in Yemen — the latest outbreak of genocidal wars backed by President Obama in the Mideast and North Africa — where the Red Cross reports that 12 million of the 20 million Yemenis, being bombed and completely blockaded by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the U.S. Navy, are “food-insecure” or lack any food at all. Most also now lack water, which cannot even be pumped with no fuel or electricity. This while many thousands are being drowned in the Mediterranean trying to flee to Europe from terror operations set in motion by Obama’s and Cameron’s wars in Libya, Syria, Iraq.

Then look at the large-scale, nearly instantaneous and fully collaborative response by China and India — the BRICS — to the disastrous Nepal earthquake, with combined deployments of army groupings from both BRICS powers for reconstruction, and the extraordinary Indian pledge of $10 billion for infrastructure reconstruction in one small country.

Compare Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partner (TPP) — such a Wall Street swindle that opposing it has become a touchstone for the next Presidential candidate of his own party — to the last ten years’ series of actual trade agreements between China, ASEAN countries, and South Korea. These have resulted in extraordinary growth in intra-Asian trade in goods over that decade.

Or consider the Bolivian vice president’s extraordinary commitment of that nation to “produce ideas, export ideas, create a society of knowledge and science.” Bolivia has moved immediately to the BRICS alliance, and has enjoyed among the most rapid economic growth in the continent.

We are fighting two fascist puppets of the London-centered oligarchical system in the United States, President Barack Obama and California Governor Jerry Brown. “Brownshirt” is facing resistance from municipalities and companies throughout California to his 25% mandatory water cut; now he has asked for legislative power to fine residents or businesses $10,000/day for not giving up their use of water — when there is an ocean full of water at the state’s shores. When LaRouchePAC has bluntly organized residents to “jail this Nazi,” its organizers have gotten a dynamic response from Californians.

Obama has stepped into a trap with his “TPP” intended attack on China and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which has turned into an attack on his own party on behalf of Wall Street. There is an internal revolt against him and the resources on the planet as a whole to defeat him. The time has come to force this puppet of London out of office.

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