UNRWA concerned over situation in Syria Yarmouk camp

‘The United Nations has expressed concerns over the deterioration of the situation in the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk near the Syrian capital, Damascus, as intense clashes continue between Palestinian armed factions and the ISIL Takfiri terrorists.

“Never has the hour been more desperate in the Palestine refugee camp of Yarmouk, in Damascus,” a press release circulated by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) read on Sunday, adding, “The lives of civilians in Yarmouk have never been more profoundly threatened.”

The ISIL militants stormed the camp on April 1, apparently in tandem with rivals from the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front, even though the two groups have fought bloody battles against each other in other parts of Syria.’

Read more: UNRWA concerned over situation in Syria Yarmouk camp

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