We Must Create a New Presidency

The world is now confronted with a crisis of civilization, which can only be solved if the United States ends the insanity of the Bush/Obama degeneracy, and restores the institution of the Presidency to the service of the people of the United States — not just a new President as an individual, but, as Lyndon LaRouche stated, a new Presidency:

“What we need is not an election of a President, in a Presidential election. What we need, is a team, composed of a President, but also a Presidential system, which is something we haven’t seen for a long time. What we’ve had is racketeers.”

This new Presidency is not something to be achieved in the 2016 election, but now, before the current President, Barack Obama, is allowed to drive the world into World War III.

As LaRouche stated: “There’s only one person who’s qualified to become a President of the United States at this time: Martin O’Malley. He’s the only person who’s fit to be a President of the United States. The others all have grave defects. And it’s not the defects that they have as persons, it’s the defects they have in terms of the way they’re looking at politics.”

“Now, think about a list, of people who should be employed, to become a government, in other words, the elements of a government. This is not going to Joe Jokes gets this election, So-and-So is appointed to this power.We don’t do that. What you need, you have to have a President that’s selected, that President must coincide with a team which is the governing body of the government itself. So you don’t have any particular, single heroes. There are no heroes, in fact. Most of the experts are wrong, not because they intend to be wrong, but because they don’t know what the hell they’re doing. They don’t understand what they’re involved in.”

As of yet, O’Malley is the only prospective candidate who has qualified himself to serve as the head of this new Presidential team, responsive to the authority of a patriotic Presidential system and to the needs of the American people. He has proven this qualification by his willingness to identify the necessity of destroying the Wall Street dictatorship over the US government and both political parties, demanding a restoration of Glass Steagall, and by identifying the increasingly despondent and degenerated outlook of the American people who increasingly believe that the next generation of Americans will be worse off than their parents — if they survive at all. And that survival is gravely threatened indeed:

* The state of California, and many other Western states, including Texas, are doomed under present policies. The response of the Governor of California Jerry Brown to the drought — to mandate a 25% reduction in water usage by the population and the industries, while essentially calling for the elimination of 90% of the population — is clinically insane, and genocidal to the nation as a whole. What has been presented by Ben Deniston and the LaRouchePAC Science Team as a solution to that crisis must be applied, now, as the basis of the policy of a New Presidency. (See: “Memo to The Next President: New Perspectives on the Western Water Crisis”) What this report presents are entirely new scientific concepts to transform the access to the abundant sources of water in the biosphere, through nuclear desalination, diversion of water from areas with abundant water, and tapping into the atmospheric moisture flows by modifying weather systems themselves. As Deniston presents in his report, the flows of water evaporated from the oceans into the atmosphere is ten times the amount of water which flows through all the planet’s rivers combined – a clearly abundant aspect of the global water cycle which can be harnessed. There is no lack of water; it merely must be managed and transformed through mastering the factors which drive the planet’s water cycle as a whole, including the interaction of solar and galactic phenomena with the planet’s biosphere. China is approaching these challenges correctly, through massive water diversion programs, and by reaching out to space, while the US under Obama, under the direction of Wall Street, is shutting down its space program, refusing to build infrastructure of any sort, and now, literally, denying water to its population.

* Obama also continues to threaten war. The Saudi war on Yemen, run directly by Obama, is in fact aimed at Iran. The deal which Obama put through with Iran is a fraud, which would be workable on its own, but as LaRouche stated, “was set up to build a case for the Saudis to move in, against other forces, by creating a weak point, and then using the Saudis as a way of starting a more general war.” Obama’s refusal to neutralize this Saudi threat, as seen clearly by his continued cover-up of the 28 pages, shows clearly that he is acting as an enemy of the American people.

* And Obama is now being increasingly abandoned, as seen by the continued shift towards the BRICS countries. The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is now in Russia, meeting with President Putin. As LaRouche stated: “The Greeks will not collapse; the Greeks will go into collaboration with Russia. The Greeks do not need a foreign financial system, the euro, to live, because the Greeks can integrate themselves into Russia and China, the developing BRICS system. Because they don’t need the euro system! However, Germany does need that system, because otherwise the German economy, and the rest of the euro system, will collapse. Why will it collapse? Because they won’t be able to rape the Greeks, or the other European nations which will also leave the euro zone if the Greeks are forced out, and join forces with the BRICS.”

The world is at a decisive moment, and the future depends on what we do to change the policy of the United States. LaRouchePAC is leading the effort to assemble a new Presidency. As Lyndon LaRouche concluded:

“So, what we have is a water project, a water policy, which contains the essential element, which if integrated in the proper way, will provide us with the relatively immediate capability, of solving this problem. It will also be effective, because we will be in tandem, with a lot of powers, China for example, the world’s leading power. Then you have other nations which fall into the same category of participation; we’ve seen the BRICS phenomenon, as such, which in and of itself is a very important factor. But that is minor compared to what the effect is, if we put this application from the United States into place. If we can put this into place, the way it can be done, and has to be done, we can save civilization. If we don’t, forget it. You’re dead.

“And that’s what it is: You’re in a situation where, we can say, yes, you are virtually dead. You don’t have a chance of living, unless you change your ways — that’s the fact. But there should be no difficulty, at least among some people, to realize what must be must be changed. There are no practical solutions, insofar as mankind usually thinks of practical solutions, there are absolutely no practical solutions whatsoever. So what we aim to do politically, is immediately take the fact, that what Martin O’Malley has done, has created a possibility, of his changing from being a possible candidate, to being the unique candidate, the only unique candidate. Forget all other candidates, they’re worthless, for President that is.”


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