Wealthiest one percent must be ‘toppled’ to save US economy: Clinton

‘Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton believes that the wealthiest 1 percent people in the United States must be “toppled” in order to strengthen the middle class and decrease the wealth gap between the rich and poor, a report says.

The Democrat presidential candidate also believes that the unending accumulation of massive wealth at the top of the spectrum is damaging the country and hampering its economy.

Clinton’s views on economy were revealed in her profile published by The New York Times on Tuesday. The article cited a number of Clinton confidants.’

Read more: Wealthiest one percent must be ‘toppled’ to save US economy: Clinton

The Ascent of Hillary, the $.2.5 Billion 'People’s' Candidate

‘Hillary Clinton just announced that she’s running for president. However, this commentary is not really about her. It’s about a nation of more than 300 million people in which politics has become the sole property and domain of the rich. The rich decided some time ago that Hillary Clinton would be the virtually unchallenged presidential candidate of the Democratic Party.

The 48 percent of Americans that express an affinity with the Democratic Party have not yet chosen Clinton. There has been no primary election in any state. But, that does not matter because the selection process that counts occurs in the boardrooms and mansions and private clubs and getaways of the rich. Hillary Clinton and her husband, Bill, have spent virtually their entire adult lives on the millionaires’ campaign circuit, the rich man’s primary. In the process of pleasing the rich, they have become rich, themselves.

Hillary hopes to spend two and a half billion dollars of – mostly – rich people’s money in the 2016 campaign. Wealthy people will be just as generous with the Republican candidate. The outcome on Election Day is absolutely certain: the rich man’s candidate will definitely win, and the people will lose – because they have no candidate in the major parties.’

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