We’re Making Our Kids Miserable in School

By allowing the pursuit of money to guide our educational practices, we have miseducated everyone.

”Years ago, I was in a coffee shop and overheard the following conversation between two fathers sitting at the table next to me. As I listened, it became clear they both had children in the sixth grade. One of the men said, with a downcast expression on his face, “Dan hates school. He drags his feet onto the bus every single day. He hates math. He says there’s no point to it. He thinks English is boring. There isn’t one part of the day he looks forward to.”

The other guy scrunched up his face skeptically. “What’s that got to do with anything? He doesn’t need to like it. He just needs to do it. I mean, jeez, it’s not a birthday party. They’re going because they gotta be ready.”

Read more: We're Making Our Kids Miserable in School

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