What Happened on April 6, 1994? Kagame behind ‘Rwanda Genocide’: The Neglected Account of Captain Amadou Deme

‘April 6 1994 is the fateful date of the beginning of the war/genocide/massacres in Rwanda. The plane of President Habyarimana was shot down over the capital city, Kigali, and horrific violence unfolded.

Everyone is asked/ordered to remember(and then told what to remember). Official memory in Rwanda is under the authority of the former Ugandan General and now Rwandan President Paul Kagame, warmly supported by prominent names from the Anglosphere like America’s UN ambassador, Samantha Power (she was not a witness but has no trouble filling pages at great length about the vast lessons to be learned).’

Read more: What Happened on April 6, 1994? Kagame behind 'Rwanda Genocide': The Neglected Account of Captain Amadou Deme

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