What it Takes to Fight Wall Street and Fascism

Two weeks ago, as the western drought threatened to turn deadly, Ben Deniston of the LaRouchePAC Science Team published “Memo to the Next President: New Perspectives on the Western Water Crisis,” proving that the water is there to solve the crisis if human creativity is mobilized to get it. His title also made clear that this President, Obama, has to be dumped to get to that solution; and that China’s great infrastructure prowess has to be involved.

But literally as Deniston’s solution-report on the crisis was circulated, California’s green governor, Jerry Brown, lurched instead in the direction of fascist austerity, with a March 31 order to cut water use by 25% in the state. Wall Street- and City of London-ordered austerity had already swept across Europe since the financial crash, literally killing tens of thousands in Greece and other nations designated “European periphery”; now it was turning deadly in the United States.

The policy Brown ordered has quickly escalated to threats to make water utilities that don’t make the mandated cuts, pay far higher water prices, steep fines, or to even cut them off from water for their users entirely. Water use prices have spiked to 20-30 times what they were just a few years ago — to make those without the resources, do without water and perhaps food. Mobilizing to confront this austerity with science, LaRouchePAC California leader Michael Steger and activists hit a “freakout” from Brown henchmen, threatening them with arrest for challenging the doctrine of scarcity of water in the West. Now the question is: How many will have the guts to fight this? And how many will quietly accept the “inevitable” loss of water and food which will hit the poorer people in California, and accelerate the death rate among them? People there have been intimidated against opposing this policy, which will increase the death rate. What California authorities are saying about the water system is a lie. In its effect, it’s a lie in support of a fascist policy which will kill people. They are adopting a policy of genocide against the people of California. It must be called a crime against mankind.

To defend the population, Brown’s henchmen for Wall Street must be challenged and removed from office, so that this crisis can be solved: The water is there! And Ben Deniston’s work has shown it.

In Ukraine, where Russia and the BRICS nations are the real target of the same deadly Wall Street-London austerity policy, many observers can note from afar that Nazis are taking over the country, under the direction of the Obama Administration’s Victoria Nuland. EIR and the Schiller Institute are defending a leader of that nation from Nuland. Lyndon LaRouche has named Nuland as directly responsible for any harm which comes from her Nazis to Dr. Natalia Vitrenko, party leader and twenty years ago a possible President of Ukraine.

We take this challenge, to defend the nation and its people, everywhere. It means destroying Wall Street and removing its fascist henchmen from government.

We have the alternative, created in the BRICS alliance of nations, their new international development banks, their policies of scientific progress. We are presenting it again today to UN diplomats and others in New York City. We have to have the courage to fight for it.

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