What the Frack Is Happening? Hailing the Major Activist Victories in the Anti-Fracking Movement

‘The nation’s first federal regulations on fracking, unveiled by the Obama administration last week, sparked immediate criticism from leading anti-fracking activists.

Americans Against Fracking, a coalition of 250 environmental and liberal groups that includes Greenpeace, 350.org, MoveOn.org, CREDO, Food & Water Watch, Rainforest Action Network and Friends of the Earth, issued a statement characterizing the new rules—meant chiefly to reduce the threat of fracking-related water contamination—as “toothless.”

Actor and activist Mark Ruffalo, who serves on the Americans Against Fracking advisory board, said that Obama’s fracking regulations “are nothing more than a giveaway to the oil and gas industry.” The group’s goal is a complete fracking ban on federal land, where as many as 100,00 oil and gas wells have been drilled.’

Read more: What the Frack Is Happening? Hailing the Major Activist Victories in the Anti-Fracking Movement

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