Operation Fast and Furious Goes Global, As U.S. Floods Middle East With Arms

‘Today in Yemen, we see a new act unfolding in the Middle East. They’re calling it, ‘Operation Decisive Storm‘, where Washington’s new proxy does the heavy lifting for the Empire, as the Pentagon hangs back in Yemen – as American-made jets pound rebels and civilians on the ground.

Writer Joseph Trevithick adds here, “But even if the Pentagon really is hanging back, American-made warplanes and other military hardware are leading the fight against the ascendant Houthis. The Saudi-led air strikes, dubbed Operation Decisive Storm, is possible in no small part because of years of military aid from Washington.”

The is also supplying the Saudis with some highly questionable (illegal?) weapons too: “Hundreds of cluster and unguided “dumb” bombs were in the arms packages, too. And the Pentagon is now helping the Saudis configure the jets to carry the latest AGM-154C Joint Stand-Off Weapon glide bomb”, added Tevithick.’

Read more: Operation Fast and Furious Goes Global, As U.S. Floods Middle East With Arms

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