‘You take care of the workers and we’ll take care of the bosses’ – Top Tory to Lib Dem

‘“In March 2012 when the economy was still in the very early stages of recovery we wanted to do a very big increase in the personal allowance to put a lot of money back into folk’s pockets,” Mr Alexander told The Independent. “The Tories priority at the time was the top rate of tax.

“I remember one meeting with a group of senior Conservatives and one of them said ‘listen you take care of the workers and we’ll take care of the bosses’.

“That was said across the table in one of the meetings where we were discussing the forward policy of the Government. That really spelt out where their priorities lay.”’

Read more: 'You take care of the workers and we'll take care of the bosses' – Top Tory to Lib Dem

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