Alex Jones Is Actually Dangerous: Why We Have to Start Taking his Paranoid Worldview Seriously

‘In response to the Jade Helm military training exercises planned for this summer, Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) will deploy the Texas State Guard to apparently serve as a shield against the Green Berets and other special operations units who, many conservatives fear, might threaten the freedom of red-blooded Americans living in the Lone Star State.

“It is important,” said Abbott, in announcing the move, “that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed upon.” The subtext is, of course: There’s a decent chance they could be infringed upon.

And so the governor is figuratively wrapping his state in a gigantic tin-foil hat. Abbott’s unprecedented move is one more chilling sign that the gonzo ideas imagineered by radio conspiracy theorist Alex Jones are hemorrhaging into mainstream American politics and beyond.’

Read more: Alex Jones Is Actually Dangerous: Why We Have to Start Taking his Paranoid Worldview Seriously

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