Another Soros Backed Colour Revolution? Macedonia Struggles for Identity as Political Violence Grows

‘Macedonia’s ethnic divide between Albanians and Macedonians came to a head on May 9, when an attack by Albanian gunmen in the town of Kumanovo left at least 18 people dead. A Macedonian opposition member alleged that the attack was faked, and that the government had attacked itself.

Violent opposition protests in the country’s capital on May 6 injured 38 police officers and at least two protesters.

The International Crisis Group, a body often cited by Macedonian opposition organizations, suggested a path toward European integration in Macedonia which would involve decentralization of the state and resolving the naming dispute with Greece by renaming the country to something akin to “the Republic of North Macedonia.”‘

Read more: Another Soros Backed Colour Revolution? Macedonia Struggles for Identity as Political Violence Grows

The International Crisis Group

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