Are You a Mature Soul?

‘What does it mean that the Soul is mature or immature?

If, during your spiritual Journey, you ask yourself the question: “What do I expect from life?” and you give an honest answer, the quality of that answer contains the response to the question of the Soul’s maturity.

The immature Soul is always full of desires, it has ambitions and objectives it intends to achieve, whether these ambitions are of the lowest order (money, power) or of the most sophisticated ones (religious devotion, spiritual self-implementation). Reaching these goals always requires time, so future is always important for the immature Soul.

If the immature Soul has spiritual objectives, than it may suspect that all important things take place in the Now, here and now, but the Soul still uses the present moment as a springboard to get to its future objectives. A mature Soul is beyond its desires and ambitions bound to shapes and forms. The realization that achieving the goals and ambitions did not bring it real happiness, made it mature. It may have brought temporary satisfaction, but not lasting happiness.’

Read more: Are You a Mature Soul?

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