Are You Experiencing Spiritual Emergence or Spiritual Emergency?

‘How do we define ‘spiritual awakening’? What could it mean? What does it look like? More importantly, what would it feel like? These types of questions ‘fill’ the void of our soul and belong to everyone, not just to initiates of the mystery schools. These questions are the stuff of Life which also includes ‘who am I, what am I and what is my Purpose? The paradox is this, if we are unsure on what it is, how will we know when we experience it? These types of questions have cluttered up my mindscape over the past 25 years or so.

Over time and as these eternal questions of Self in relation to spiritual awakening evolved and matured, I took onboard lots of clichés such as ‘all the answers lie within’ and ‘to let go, let God’. Fate, it seems, has an exquisite sense of irony. Simply put, spiritual emergence is an awakening to a much higher awareness of consciousness.’

Read more: Are You Experiencing Spiritual Emergence or Spiritual Emergency?

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