Bill To Declassify the 28 Pages to be Introduced in U.S. Senate

The website has announced that Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will introduce a Senate resolution, the Transparency for the Families of 9/11 Victims Act, to declassify and publicly disclose the 28 pages from the December 2002 Joint Intelligence Committee Report which concern a finding on foreign government support of the 9/11 hijackers. Sen. Paul’s office said that Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) will co-sponsor the resolution, and that the resolution is a companion to the existing House Resolution 14 (H.Res.14), which asks that the President declassify the 28 pages.

The announcement further says that Senator Paul will make his resolution public at an outdoor Capitol Hill press conference on Tuesday, June 2, at 10:00 am, joined by Representatives Walter Jones (R-NC), Stephen Lynch (D-MA), Thomas Massie (R-KY), and former Democratic Senator Bob Graham of Florida. Jones, Lynch, and Massie introduced H.Res. 14, and Graham, who was co-chair of the joint investigation which issued the original reports, has aided them in securing support in the Senate. Senator Graham appeared at a press conference earlier this year in the House of Representatives on January 7, along with Reps. Jones and Lynch, as well as leading representatives of the 9/11 families.

Video of full Jan. 7, 2015 press conference with Senator Bob Graham, Reps. Jones and Lynch, and members of the 9/11 families.

SEE “Declassify the 28 Pages” points to eleven Senators who are logical co-sponsors of the bill, as they were signators on a 2003 letter to President George W. Bush protesting his decision to redact the 28 pages and urging him to release them: Patrick Leahy (VT), Barbara Mikulski (MD), Harry Reid (NV), Barbara Boxer (CA), Patty Murray (WA), Dick Durbin (IL), Jack Reed (RI), Chuck Schumer (NY), Bill Nelson (FL), Tom Carper (DE) and Maria Cantwell (WA).

Join the movement to declassify the 28 pages, and help build overwhelming support for the new bill as soon as it is introduced into the U.S. Senate.

Short promotional video for the movement to declassify the 28 pages on 9/11.

SEE “The Untold Story of 911”

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