Brazil’s Public Prosecutor Wants to Ban Monsanto’s Chemicals Following Recent Glyphosate-Cancer Link

‘While some agencies in Brazil have been busy giving 3 new GMO crops green lights, the country’s public prosecutor has written the Brazil’s National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) asking it to urgently re-evaluate their stance on the ‘likely carcinogenic’ herbicide ingredient, glyphosate. The letter was written with an expectation that the agency will ban the main ingredient in Monsanto’s best selling herbicide.

In addition to this request, the prosecutor would like ANVISA to revoke authorizations for any GMO crops which were created to be used with glyphosate. This means most of the crops, since biotech has based almost their entire marketing campaign on ‘Round Up Ready” seed – engineered to withstand copious amounts of glyphosate.

The prosecutor’s urgent request comes after the IARC, the cancer arm of the World Health Organization, admitted that glyphosate was ‘probably carcinogenic.’’

Read more: Brazil’s Public Prosecutor Wants to Ban Monsanto’s Chemicals Following Recent Glyphosate-Cancer Link

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